
Monas Aequilibris

Antwerp, 1564 – the Flemish city gets to see the first edition of John Dee's Monas Hieroglyphica, a commentary on his famous alchemical symbol. In his book, Dee explains the meaning and significance of his hieroglyphic monad, which represents the balance of our fragmentary world, as well as the unity of the natural and supernatural aspects of reality.   In spite of the clear warning on the cover of Dee's book – Qui non intelligit, aut taceat, aut discat – a new symbol was born inspired by his great work, and in 2018 I created a commentary for this lesser monad. Now, in 2021, I dusted off this book and decided to share it with anyone interested in such symbols. Read more here : Monas Aequilibris

Keeper of the dark, cold shores

Blackbirds travel long distances to find warmer habitats during winter. Except males – they remain up north, even for the coldest nights of the year. Why? Does this have something to do with their beautiful, golden beaks? Maybe... let's find out! The illustrations – from my half a millenia dead collaborator Albrecht Dürer – depict a blue roller instead of a blackbird, but his breathtaking image fits the tale so well, that his work became the natural companion of this poem. Keeper of the dark, cold shores Keeper of the dark, cold shores Of winter nights and winter morns Where trees go numb and stones grow old — Why are you still here? You gave away your sungold feathers Keeper of the dark, cold shores — One for the swallow, one for the finch To help’em get to sun-kissed groves. You called for the moon, the sanguine moon, To wake her from her sleep, And witches danced through stone-barked trees While you mourned your golden gown. The youngest witch, who lagged behind And still search